Felinee Guest House (07) 5522 8802 | By Appointment Only


Cats love our spacious and comfy accommodation suites!

Our cattery has reverse cycle air conditioning for those odd times on the coast when the weather is either very hot or very cold.

Guest suites have multi-story scratching poles, soft and comfy cat beds. Only cats from the same family are roomed together, if need be we have double suites available for the larger family. All suites have an indoor area (2.4m x 1m) and an outdoor area (1.1m x 1m). They all have views over the natural bushland setting, which even on inclement days they are able to look at through the large glass panes in the doors. As our cattery has rooms on one side only our guests can sit and watch as we go about the daily chores within the cattery. There is a playroom available for the younger cats or the older ones who still think they are young!

Peaceful, quiet, beautiful are how some of our customers describe our setting. Classical music is played during daylight hours.

Short or long term accommodation and age is no barrier.